Tech Help
Welcome to the Tech Help page. This section of our website is dedicated to providing Students, Parents, and Teachers will guides and video tutorials for using our technology tools. the page is divided into sections based on the technology.
Welcome to the Tech Help page. This section of our website is dedicated to providing Students, Parents, and Teachers will guides and video tutorials for using our technology tools. the page is divided into sections based on the technology.
Tech Tip Playlist
Tech Tip Playlist
Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Teachers use Google Classroom to post assignments, videos, announcements, and other resources for students. Students are expected to use Google Classroom to submit assignments. Parents can also be invited to observe their child's progress with regular email updates from Google Classroom. Google has provided a convenient list of support topics and tutorials for everyone, which can be found here.
Student Tutorials
Student Tutorials
Parent Tutorials
Parent Tutorials
Teacher Tutorials
Teacher Tutorials
Here's a YouTube playlist of video tutorials for common teacher tasks in Google Classroom.